Popham Airfield (EGHP) Special Procedures – Arrivals and Departures
Popham is a popular GA destination in Hampshire. Pilots should note the proximity of controlled airspace (Farnborough, Solent, Middle Wallop, and Odiham) and gliding sites at Lasham and Rivar Hill, planning their routes accordingly. Flight plans should include the address EGHPZTZX.
- The airfield is expected to be extremely busy during the Trade Fair weekend. While it is not necessary to obtain PPR, nor have a slot time, you are encouraged to view the webcam at
popham-airfield.co.uk/web-cams to ensure the airfield is open and view the signals square. Pilots are encouraged to contact the airfield on 01256 397733 option 1 if further information is required.
- Non-radio aircraft MUST telephone for PPR before departure, giving aircraft type, registration and estimated arrival time.
- There will be many varied aircraft attending with vastly different performances, especially circuit and approach speed. Slow aircraft should make best speed and faster aircraft be prepared to go-around.
- Airfield opening hours 08:00–19:30 (local) on 4th and 5th May 2024.
- The airfield will be open normally during these hours. You should anticipate a large number of movements taking place throughout the period and therefore plan for an arrival in the overhead.
- A standard overhead join will be in use. See the circuit at
popham-airfield.co.uk/airfield-information-2024 or use the charts in your standard flight guides or flight planning software. Do not overfly published noise-sensitive areas.
- Air/Ground Radio callsign is ‘Popham Radio’ on 129.805 (8.33Mhz). The airfield information (RWY in use, circuit direction, QFE) will be broadcast on a regular basis. But if you need it, ask for it.
- Plan a diversion airfield in case of issues such as runway closure.
- Join OVERHEAD at 2000 feet QFE if cloudbase permits, circuit height is 800 feet QFE.
- Make position calls at: Overhead, Descending Deadside, Downwind, Final. Do not expect a response but do listen out for other aircraft.
- If baulked on final approach, GO AROUND.
- Do not fly S-turns on final approach, GO AROUND.
- If the runway is occupied, GO AROUND.
- After landing, vacate the runway as soon as it is safe to do so. There may be people airside. Taxi slowly and keep a good look out. Marshallers will direct arrivals to appropriate parking areas. Show a large ‘C’ if you wish to camp with your aircraft.
- Note there are no ‘display’ dispensations, aircraft may only fly standard circuits.
- After shutdown, ensure all electronic conspicuity devices (SkyEcho, PilotAware) are turned OFF.
- Airfield information (RWY in use, QNH) will be broadcast on a regular basis on 129.805. Aircraft may request a radio check and confirmation of the departure information.
- You may taxi to the hold of the active runway (expect a queue!) but complete power checks before reaching the hold so as not to delay or impede other aircraft.
- Marshallers may be available at the hold to provide assistance.
- Before lining up for departure keep a good look out, remember the safe operation of your aircraft and the safety of those around you is always your responsibility as is the decision to line up and depart.
- After passing a hold and lining up be ready for immediate take-off - do not delay departure.
- Follow the NOISE ABATEMENT published in your flight guide.
- Climb into the circuit and depart at the earliest and safest opportunity. Have a safe flight home.
UL91 and 100LL will be available at the fuel pumps which are adjacent to runway 08/26. Payment is by debit or credit card with self-service pay-at-pump. No telephone payments. Read and follow the pump instructions fully. Failure to do so may prevent you from taking fuel.